Jacob Hanes · baritone

AVA First-year Resident Artist


Arlington, Texas

Jacob Hanes, baritone, is a native of Arlington, Texas and a recent Master of Music graduate of DePaul University where he most recently performed as the Prophet/King in Dark Sisters, Frank Maurrant in Street Scene, Mr. Gedge in Albert Herring, and Guglielmo in Così fan tutte with DePaul Opera Theater. He completed his bachelor’s degree in music, economics, and business administration at Austin College, where he was a Captain of the Austin College ‘Roo Football Team. In competition, he has recently received an Encouragement Award at the Metropolitan Opera Laffont Competition Tulsa District and was a finalist at Dallas Opera’s Texas Biennial Lone Star Vocal Competition. In summer 2024, Jacob will be an emerging artist at the Seagle Festival where he will sing Inman in Cold Mountain, Andrew MacLaren in Brigadoon, and also cover Sweeney Todd.