Ariadne auf Naxos

Richard Strauss

Conductor: David Aronson with the AVA Opera Orchestra
Stage Director: Dorothy Danner

February 14 – March 3, 2018

A show within a show, two troupes of musicians perform two shows at the same time to create the love story of Ariadne and the god Bacchus.

Richard Strauss’ Ariadne auf Naxos explores the competition between high and low art for the public’s attention. The opera combines a serious classical story of Ariadne abandoned by Theseus on Naxos with a comedy troupe attempting to cheer her up. The opera features one of the most difficult and exacting soprano arias in the 20th Century, Zerbinetta’s “Großmächtige Prinzessin”.

Conductor David Aronson makes his Philadelphia debut conducting the AVA Opera Orchestra. Mr. Aronson, who teaches conducting and opera coaching at Vienna Conservatory Private University, made his conducting debut with Vienna State Opera in 2000, having been on the music staff since 1991.

Free Opera Preview: Join AVA on February 14 at 5:30 PM for our Free Opera Preview of Strauss’ Ariadne auf Naxos. The evening features musical selections performed by the cast of Resident Artists and a discussion with conductor David Aronson and stage director Dorothy Danner.  To reserve your space, please sign up via the link here or call AVA at 215-735-1685. *There are no physical tickets for this event; your name will be on a list at the door.*

Performance Dates: February 24, February 27, March 1 and March 3 at 7:30 PM all performances at 7:30 at Helen Corning Warden Theater, AVA

Young Professionals (ages 21-45) can enjoy a discounted ticket for the March 3 performance!

Click here for production photos!


Major Domo: Roy A. Wilbur

Music Master: Timothy Renner

Composer: Hannah Ludwig (February 24, March 1), Rebecca Gulinello (February 27, March 3)

Tenor/Bacchus: John Matthew Myers

Officer: Lukasz Zientarski

Dance Master/Brighella: Oliver Sewell

Wig Maker: Anthony Whitson-Martini

Harlequin: Daniel Gallegos (February 24, March 1), Anthony Whitson-Martini (February 27, March 3)

Lackey: Daniel Gallegos

Zerbinetta: Alexandra Nowakowski (February 24, March 1), Meryl Dominguez (February 27, March 3)

Naiad: Meryl Dominguez (February 24, March 1), Alexandra Nowakowski (February 27, March 3)

Prima Donna/Ariadne: Claire de Monteil

Scaramuccio: Matthew White

Truffaldino: Brent Michael Smith

Echo: Alexandra Razskazoff

Dryad: Gabriela Flores

Production Related News & Articles
Meet the Artists
Timothy Renner ’20
Music Master
Hannah Ludwig ’18
Rebecca Gulinello ’20
John Matthew Myers ’19
Oliver Sewell ’20
Dance Master/Brighella
Anthony Whitson-Martini ’19
Wig Maker, Harlequin
Daniel Gallegos ’21
Harlequin, Lackey
Alexandra Nowakowski ’18
Zerbinetta, Naiad
Meryl Dominguez ’19
Zebrinetta, Naiad
Claire de Monteil ’20
Prima Donna/Ariadne
Matthew White ’19
Brent Michael Smith ’20
Gabriela Flores ’19

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